Pittwater Family Lawyers
T: 0418 285 307
P: (02) 9918 6565
COVID-19 and witnessing Wills, Powers of Attorney & Guardianships
COVID-19 and witnessing Wills, Powers of Attorneys and Enduring Guardianship appointments (and other legal documents)
When the COVID-19 restrictions were at the highest, the NSW Government passed a Regulation (the Electronic Transactions Amendment (COVID-19 Witnessing of Documents) Regulation 2020 to allow the signing of some documents to be witnessed by audio visual link.
The Regulation will expire on 26 September 2020 unless the date is changed by further regulation or resolution of Parliament.
It is possible that vulnerable members of the community may need to sign documents and have those documents witnessed by electronic means prior to the expiration date of 26 September 2020. If you or someone you know, may need to do this please contact Kathy Chase at Pittwater Family Lawyers by sending her an email at: pittwaterfamilylawyers@gmail.com Or telephone her at 0418 285 307 or (02) 9918 6565.