
A legal practice founded by Kathy Chase

Pittwater Family Lawyers is a legal practice founded by Kathy Chase and providing advice to clients on the northern beaches, north Sydney suburbs and the greater Sydney region and remotely to areas outside Sydney.  

Kathy Chase is a lawyer with over 35 years experience. Kathy has a Bachelor of Arts, a Bachelor of Laws, and a Masters of Law. For her Masters of Law, Kathy majored in Dispute Resolution.

Kathy has worked as a lawyer in family law for over 20 years and has been a lecturer at the College of Law lecturing to qualified lawyers seeking to attain a Masters in Applied Family Law.

Kathy has experience in both family law matters under the Family Law Act and in matters including family provision claims under the Succession Act; Powers of Attorney; Guardianship, Wills and Deeds of Family Arrangements.

Kathy’s aim in all family related matters is for a settlement without litigation. When a matter cannot be settled the last resort is litigation. Kathy is mindful of the legal costs and the emotional costs of litigation and if litigation is commenced Kathy will continue to aim for a resolution prior to any hearing.

Untying the complicated knots of family disputes

Kathy’s aim in all family related matters is for a settlement without litigation.

When a matter cannot be settled the last resort is litigation.

Kathy is mindful of the legal costs and the emotional costs of litigation and if litigation is commenced Kathy will continue to aim for a resolution prior to any hearing.

Are you in need of family
related legal advice?

Pittwater Family Lawyers
T: 0418 285 307
P: (02) 9918 6565