Pittwater Family Lawyers
T: 0418 285 307
P: (02) 9918 6565
Sydney/northern beaches law firm can assist fathers in family law disputes
Who is the daddy?
Infrequently, there is an issue of who the biological father is of a child when there is a parenting dispute or child support dispute.
Section s 69P of the Family Law Act creates a presumption of paternity arising from marriage so if a child is born to a woman while she is married, the child is presumed to be a child of the woman and her husband.
If the parentage of a child is a question in issue in proceedingsĀ under the Family Law Act, the court may make an order (a parentage testing order) requiring a parentage testing procedure to be carried out for the purpose of obtaining information to assist in determining the parentage of the child.
There must be some evidence to place the parentage of the child in doubt before a Court will make the Order for testing. The party requesting the Order must have an honest, bona fide and reasonable belief as to the doubt.
Contact Kathy Chase on (02) 9918 6565 or 0418 285 307 or send her an email at: info@pittwaterfamilylawyers.com.auOr pittwaterfamilylawyers@gmail.comĀ at Pittwater Family Lawyers if you require any assistance in any family law dispute, including parentage.